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Sorting and Organizing Socks

by Ann
(Fayetteville NC)

I don't like sorting socks. To make my life easier in that department, I bought a pack of brightly colored ponytail bands - I use the dark ones on white or tan socks and the bright colored ones on dark socks. I wrap a pony band around a pair of socks when I take them off and toss them in the laundry. Two benefits: the dryer can't eat socks anymore, and I don't have to sort the silly things!

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May 02, 2010
Another Idea!
by: Anonymous

OR.... You can purchace lingerie bags for each member of your family (only about $3 per bag). When socks are soiled, they put them in the bags and you can throw the whole bag into the washer then into the dyer. I love this because I don't have to separate each family members socks into piles before matching! Also, it prevents the missing sock syndrome too!

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