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Small House Needs Organizing

by Rozie

My house is so small I am having a hard time keeping it organized. Help.


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Apr 11, 2010
Optimize Space to Organize a Small Home
by: The Organizer

Hi Rozie,

Small houses can be difficult to organize. What you have to do it to find a space for everything and make optimal use of the space you have.

Look around your house. Is there any space that could be used better?

For instance, can you replace your coffee table with a trunk or cedar chest that provides storage space?

Is your kitchen organized to its greatest potential or would you benefit from unique space savers?

Start out with a vision of how you would like for your house to organized and take in on room by room or space by space until your vision comes true.

I don't know if you are a clutter bug, but if you are you will find the article on decluttering your life forever to be most helpful.

Enjoy the journey!

-The Organizer

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