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Sharing and Storage Tips for Toys

by Diane

I have two daughters in one room one is 7 1/2 and the other 5. Sometimes they play with the same items but have their own that they were given, i.e., different My Little Ponies. How should I handle this? I don't want to have double the storage containers in their room.

Thanks, Diane

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Apr 08, 2010
Sharing and Personal Space
by: The Organizer

Hello Diane,

When kids share a room there is always the issue of personal space, so rest assured, you are not alone. I encourage you to provide a space for personal items that they prefer not to share with each other without their consent. This will make them feel better about sharing a room as well as teaching them to respect each others privacy. You do have to be careful about allowing them to keep too many items that aren't open for sharing though or they will become stingy and all mothers know that is not good.

If they both take care of things, I would make every effort to put the toys in a shared container. The things to be separated can be placed on a personal shelf, perhaps above their beds or in bookshelves, or kept in an under-the-bed storage container.

For additional tips, my answer to a mother with three boys sharing one room might be helpful.

-The Organizer

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