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Overwhelmed by Stuff

by Denise

I have a very large bedroom with two large closets. My 3 year old daughter shares the room with me and all of her stuff including a crib and tons of clothes, three dressers and boxes of "stuff". It's overwhelming. The laundry from the rest of the family (three other children) always ends up in my room as well. Please help. It's overwhelming.

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May 03, 2010
Clutter and Laundry Organizing
by: The Organizer

Hi Denise,

Most times when you are overwhelmed by stuff, you need to declutter. You can find helpful tips in my article on decluttering.

It's nice to have 2 large closets in a bedroom. I wonder if you are using them to their greatest advantage. That's where I would start with organizing your bedroom. You'll find specific tips in my room by room section on organizing closets. You might want look into closet systems before you get started.

As far as the laundry goes, I suggest designating a place for the kids to place their dirty clothes and train them to put them in the laundry hamper. Even toddlers can learn to do that and it makes them feel special to have a task. There is a great selection of hampers available from over the door clothes bags to go in a closet to laundry sorters. With four children, it would be helpful if they could sort their clothes when they put them in the hamper.

I hope this helps.

-The Organizer

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