My Organizer Journey of "Making Room for Life"
by Sheri Bertolini
(Franklin, TN)
Sheri Bertolini, Franklin, TN
While working at a banking investment firm for $15 an hour doing data entry for a year and going cross-eyed with boredom, I decided I could do better. There had to be something I had to offer the marketplace that didn't require a business degree or experience in retail, design, or marketing that could still earn me some decent money and keep me from being away from my family all day, every day.
"What do I naturally do, that I really have a knack for, that I could offer as a service to other people?" I asked myself. Immediately (and I just wish this had dawned on me decades ago) the answer was "organize." I had been organizing closets, pantries and rearranging furniture for family and friends my whole life. I've been an order and cleanliness nut for as long as I can remember, having an amazing eye for detail that can almost drive me crazy at times.
So after my husband convinced me that it was okay to ask $25 an hour for a beginning rate, I began letting my friends know that I was starting a new venture and would do the first three customers for free, as "learning labs." I immediately had an attic, a closet and a pantry to do.
From there I've grown to having an almost three-year old business, making my own schedule which works for me and my school-aged step daughter, and I have even trained about 7 other young women who want to do the same.
I have begun some training, have been devouring books, and am hoping to join NAPO this year along with further development of my website.
Home Organize It has been a real inspiration to me to keep going, even when I've had some very dry seasons and have wanted to give up at times.
But I have such a passion for the rare precious gift of limited life we have here on earth, and want so much for everyone to experience the joy of living life fully, not getting bogged down with clutter, chaos, stress and all the other distractions that keep us from the really precious people and relationships and experiences we can have. So I press on, hoping to continue the development of my business and message of "making room for life."
I have seen too many benefits in my own home from downsizing the stuff and making more space, letting go of old items and making room for us to presently live... and my clients are seeing the same benefits. It works, produces all kinds of new freedom and life, so I'm hooked.
Good luck to any others out there who are doing the same. Go for it!