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How To Get It All There

The more detailed and organized your lists are, the more you’ll be confident that you’ll move in with exactly what you need.

Even if you forget a few things or discover items you wish you had brought, you’ll have much less to buy (or have parents ship) if you make your lists this way.

Students who will be going to a university far away from home may wait to purchase a lot of what they need until they get to school. Your organized list of college needs will be even more important as you’ll probably only have/want to spend a short amount of time to spend shopping once you arrive on campus.

Fortunately, many stores such as Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Linens & Things now provide college shopping services much like Bridal and Baby Shower registries. With your detailed lists in hand, you can shop for mouse of your dorm/apartment supplies and then pick everything up at the same store near your school.

This approach can be more expensive yet there are pros and cons to both. For example, if you are driving and bringing everything you need, you may have fuel and trailer expenses. It may be cheaper to “fly” but more expensive to “buy” as you’ll need to pay retail and won’t be able to shop for bargains. Your family will need to evaluate what makes the most sense both financially and bearing in mind the stress factor.

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