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How to organize photo prints

by JJ

Hi, I recently found a whole bunch of undeveloped rolls of film which I plan to develop. This reminded me of another project where I have several boxes of photos that I was always going to organize "someday". It seems that once digital came along that project went by the wayside. Can you give me some ideas for organizing regular pictures?

Thank you,

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Mar 18, 2010
Getting Photos Under Control
by: The Organizer

Hi JJ,

I know. Photos can get out of hand. I'm always the Mom with a camera and undeveloped film. First of all I would like to warn you, film has an expiration date. Check the rolls and develop them before the expiration date if possible. After the expiration date, some of the photos might not turn out.

Now on to organizing photos. Photos can be organized in filing boxes, in photo albums or in scrapbooks. Personally, I prefer scrapbooks because a lot of the available photo albums (the ones with the sticky stuff) degrade your photos over time. If I were going to use photo albums I would use the ones with pockets.

Another reason that I like scrapbooking is that it gives you a chance to explain the story behind the photos. There is more enjoyment in viewing the photos. If you choose to scrapbook, be sure that the paper and adhesives are acid-free. Otherwise, your photos will be damaged and may fade.

You might to read the article on making easy memory books.

Have fun going through your photos!

-The Organizer

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