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How to Organize Kitchen Cabinets

My question is where to put things in the cabinets? Does food always have to go into the pantry or can you keep dishes in there?

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Mar 18, 2010
Food doesn't have to go the pantry...
by: The Organizer

Hi there.

Let me tell you, most people put food in the pantry so I would say that is normal, but who says that your kitchen has to be "normal"? I suggest that you organize your kitchen in a manner that you are comfortable with and can live with.

I often organize kitchens in which I put serving dishes in the top of the pantry and snack food on the bottom shelves. Food for cooking goes in a cabinet in the kitchen. This makes it easier on the cook because ingredients for meals don't get eaten as an afterschool snack and it makes it easier on the kids (and other snackers) because they know that the things on those shelves are free for all.

If you have ant or mice problems, the pantry is the best location for food that is not totally sealed; however, those problems can be taken care of through extermination. In an organized kitchen, you will know instantly when such a problem is developing.

Kitchen organization deals with making the best use of each space while increasing convenience to the people in the household. Don't be afraid to try new things and see how they work. Be sure to read my article on organizing kitchens. I am sure you will find it helpful.

-The Organizer

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