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How to organize a multipurpose room?

by LaShaundra
(Houston , TX USA)

I have a bed room that I use as a home office, and sleeping area/ beauty station/ media center. I have trouble keeping things off my desk and off the floor. Sometimes I don't know where to put things. I have problems finding homes for everything mainly because I have too much stuff even though I try to get rid of things I do not need.

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Mar 18, 2010
Making the Most Out of a Multi-Purpose Room
by: The Organizer

Hi LaShaundra,

I can relate to your problem. Organizing a multi-purpose room can be a challenge, but it is possible. Let me guess, you put things that are important on your desk and things that you don't know where to put on the floor. Right? Probably in piles?

Cubbyhole shelves might solve your problem if you label the compartments and get in the habit of putting things where they belong. You can put baskets in the cubbyholes to contain make-up and beauty products, use the cubbyholes for office supplies and media, and just use your desk for office type things. Stackable trays can help you to keep your paperwork in order and they fit easily on the top of the desk. If you have a closet, it can be organized to contain all of your clothes, shoes, etc.

You might benefit from reading my articles on organizing closets and organizing a home office.

Good luck with your mission!

-The Organizer

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