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How to manage time for our personal and professional life

by Rajiv
(India, Tamilnadu, Chennai )

Do you have tips on how to manage time for personal and professional life?

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Mar 13, 2010
by: Rajiv-

Erin- Good content, will share to all, hope will help us to generate money

Mar 11, 2010
Planning Your Life
by: The Organizer

Hi Rajiv,

You have brought up one of the most frequent challenges that people face, time management!

Many people find it difficult to manage time between their personal life and their professional life. That brings about workaholics, couch potatoes and irresponsible workers.

I have found that scheduling your life using calendars and planners can be extremely helpful.

I found that much of my time was spent thinking about what I needed to do and prioritizing tasks, events and so forth. Since I started using a family calendar and business planners, I am much more efficient.

Now, I take an hour or so each week planning my week. This includes correlating the family calendar with my business plans making notes about events that I can't miss as well as planning leisure time.

At the end of the planning session, I know exactly what I will be doing every day and my handy planners are there for me check and see what comes next without straining my brain and wasting my time.

Planning is a difficult habit to develop, but once you see the benefits first-hand, it will become time well spent and it will become a priority for you. I hope this helps.

-The Organizer

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