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How to keep your kids organized

by Amanda
(Hamburg, PA )

How do you keep your kids organized? My kids like to use their bedroom and living room and treat it like a trash can. We tell them to throw paper in trash can but they would like to use the floor instead, plus their bedroom looks like a zoo? I don't know what else to do???

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Mar 18, 2010
Teaching Kids Not to Trash Out the House
by: The Organizer

Hi Amanda,
Thanks for writing in about the problem at hand. Rest assured every parent deals with that at one time or another to different extremes.

When kids throw trash around the house it is more of discipline problem than an organization problem, but getting the kids committed to an organized home can definitely help.

I don't claim to be expert on discipline, but I recommend that you read Dr. Lehman's book titled Have a New Kid by Friday. It made a world of difference in my house.

Once you have the discipline issue handled, I suggest that you read my tips for organizing kids stuff.

The best to you and your family. It is time to establish or reestablish parental authority in your household and I am certain Dr. Lehman's views can help you tremendously.

-The Organizer

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