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Decluttering Tips

by PP

I need to declutter. Here are some details. My bedroom and kids bedrooms have large closets that are not organized and do not have enough room for all the stuff I know I can put it. I need more shelves and places where to put toys and my extra stuff.

I also have a home office in a walk in closet that I do not know how to organize.

California closets is really too expensive for me. Also things get piled on top of my closets and keep falling down.

I have lots of papers in boxes that have not yet been filed because the filing cabinet is in the kids room.

It is too overwhelming and I can never find what I need?

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Sep 10, 2010
I finally found some real decluttering tips.
by: Mini Moo

I liked this article about decluttering. It gave some realistic advice. It didn't say anything about donating big ticket items like some other articles say to do. It also gave me ideas about moving some things in another room. I live in a 1 bedroom/studio hybrid apartment, so my other room to store things will be my boyfriend's place. If I want to get rid of anything expensive, there's Ebay and our local free online classified ads.


Feb 24, 2010
You Will Feel A Lot Better Once Your House is Decluttered

Hi there. I know, clutter can be extremely stressful, especially when you work from home. Thinking of organizing it all can be overwhelming. I suggest that you take it on one room at a time. I assume that your home office is most important, so I would start from there.

You can get tips on organizing each room and closet by visiting my web page on organize this room.

My basic tips on de-cluttering a room include sorting through the stuff and arranging it in four boxes labeled...

  1. Keep in this room

  2. Relocate to another room

  3. Give away

  4. Garbage

When doing this sorting, you will get ideas about the storage supplies that you will need for the particular room. Get a vision and make list of the storage supplies to pick up.

Take out the garbage and take care of the "give away" stuff. Place the "relocate" box in another room to deal with later, that will relieve the burden a lot. Next, order or pickup the storage supplies that you will need for that particular room and start putting things away.

The challenge will be in keeping it organized. I do see a problem in having your filing cabinet in the kids' room. It needs to be close by the office so that you can develop the habit of filing daily. For me, excess, unorganized paperwork starts the cycle of clutter which usually spreads through the house.

It might be helpful to read about organizing paperwork.

Life is a whole lot simpler once the clutter is gone and you develop the habit of keeping things in order on a daily basis. It will take some time to develop the mindset of "do it now", but it will be well worth it.

If you have a great decluttering tip, please feel free to add it below.

-The Organizer

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